
Screen Surface Guidelines

What to consider when choosing screen surface for projection screens

Guide for Screen Surfaces

Your selection of screen surfaces is ­essentially based on what type of ­projection screen you have concluded would be the best option for your application. Please note that in ­general, projection screen surfaces are ­sensitive to heat and are not suitable as black-out, or sun protection. Do not install the projection screen close to heat sources like radiators, amplifiers or turned on ­TV-sets.

Types of Screen Surfaces

Basically there are two types of screen surfaces: the unsupported vinyl which is characterised by its flexible qualities, and the textile backed with its reflective front surface laminated to a woven textile base.

The tensioned unsupported vinyl screen surfaces, whether for front or rear ­projection, need to be correctly tensioned to achieve sufficient flatness for optimal performance. These surfaces are used on fixed frame and Tab Tension screens, which provide the ­necessary support.

The non-tensioned textile backed screen surfaces are used on spring-roller ­operated and motorized projection screens. The screen hangs flat by virtue of the ­dimensional ­stability of the material and the weight of the dowel in the bottom of the screen. As a general rule, a white screen surface is used when most of the surrounding lights can be blocked out. The white areas of the ­projected image are shown as truly white, and the colours are authentically reflected on the screen surface.

Surface and contrast

However, in many cases blocking out all surrounding light is a difficult (if not ­impossible) task, and therefore a grey screen surface might be a better choice. A grey screen surface enhances the darker ­image areas even when ambient light ­sources tend to make it brighter, and a better ­contrast ­between colours and black/white is ­perceived.

Euroscreen® ReAct 3.0 is the superior high contrast surface and is an ­outstanding choice for projection in ­ambient or even brightly lit environments. ReAct 3.0 is a tensioned screen surface and available in fixed frame and Tab Tension screens. It is suitable for installations such as home ­theatres and business applications.